"The D7000 feels like the fastest Nikon DSLR I've ever used, which means it is.The D7000 just goes, with no delay at all for focus and shooting. Chasing my kids around, it never gets in the way, seemingly even faster then my professional D3.By faster, I'm not talking about static frames-per-second; I'm talking about how fast everything locks-on and fires in the course of real-world photography. With the D7000, it's almost scary how fast and effortlessly every picture takes itself, even with flash.The D7000 is fast, quiet, and well, just snaps faster than any other camera." ~ Ken Rockwell

Muahahaha....D7000 is the latest gadget aku beli. Memang puas hati baii. Masa pakai D3000 ( what a crappy DSLR..errkkk!), kekadang rasa tension jek sebab ada had2 tertentu. Maklumler, D3000 tuh untuk mereka yang baru melangkah masuk ke alam photography.

So far, dah dekat seminggu aku godek2 D7000 nih, keseluruhannya aku puas hati. Aku dah try dengan lens2 yang aku ada...semuanya berfungsi dengan baik dan lancar. Cuma aku tak puashati dengan fungsi BKT (Aeb) dia yang ciput...3 koping yo...ceittt! Tapi alhamdulillah aku dah dapat penyelesaian atas masalah tuh.

D3000 tuh dah jadik second camera..turun pangkat der...kekekeke. Mungkin lepas nih aku bercadang nak beli D3s pulak....kalau forex trading aku untung ler...wakakakaka! Nak tengok review...baca sini (tah kenapa la aku suka sangat Ken Rockwell ni ...huhuhuhu)


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